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This function coerces bioacousticsquote objects to strings suitable for rendering in markdown. Quotes and sources are placed within output formatted via the sprintf function.

This function formats a bioacousticsquote object to the tagged key:value format used for maintaining the bioacousticsquotes database. The key names are:

  quo: This is a quotation.
  src: Person or persons who said or wrote the quote.
  cit: Citation for the original quote.
  url: URL where the quote can be found (such as journal articles).
  tag: Comma-separated tags to categorize the quote.
  tex: TeX-formatted citation


as.markdown(quotes, form = "> *%s* -- %s\n\n", cite = TRUE)

as.tagged(quotes, qid = TRUE)



an object of class bioacousticsquote returned from functions such as search_quotes or bioacousticsquote


structure of the markdown output for the text (first argument) and source (second argument) passed to sprintf


logical; should the cite field be included in the source output?


logical. Should the quote id number `qid` be included in the output?


character vector of formatted markdown quotes

A character vector of lines


ll <- search_quotes("Hempton")
#> [1] "> *Seuketat is the Eskimo word for ear-of-the-animal. This is what we must become if we want to truly listen.* -- Gordon Hempton, Earth is a Solar Powered Jukebox\n\n"                                                      
#> [2] "> *How can we listen for something that we have not yet heard? We can't. When we listen in this way, selectively, we are actually practicing controlled impairment.* -- Gordon Hempton, Earth is a Solar Powered Jukebox\n\n"

qitems <- search_quotes("Hempton")
#> qid:3
#>  quo:Seuketat is the Eskimo word for ear-of-the-animal. This is what we must become if we want to truly listen.
#>  src:Gordon Hempton
#>  cit:Earth is a Solar Powered Jukebox
#>  tag:listening
#>  qid:4
#>  quo:How can we listen for something that we have not yet heard? We can't. When we listen in this way, selectively, we are actually practicing controlled impairment.
#>  src:Gordon Hempton
#>  cit:Earth is a Solar Powered Jukebox
#>  tag:listening
#>  qid:NA
#>  quo:NA
#>  qid:NA
#>  quo:NA
#>  qid:NA
#>  quo:NA